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Experts In Health

Advertisement • PETS • Last Update: April, 2024

The #1 Mistake That Can Cut a Dog’s Lifespan In Half

According to Dr. Marty Goldstein — one of America’s top veterinarians — canine health is on the decline.

Some breeds have even seen their average lifespans cut in half over the past 30 years.

And it all boils down to one thing — nutrition.

“Unfortunately, most commercial dog foods are full of artificial preservatives, additives, heavy grains, and low-quality proteins,” he explains. “Even foods that claim to be ‘healthy’, ‘organic’, or ‘natural’.”

“To make matters worse, most commercial dog food is cooked at high temperatures, which can actually destroy most of the nutrients.”

And research shows the low nutritional value of these foods is a major contributor to low energy, digestive issues, joint discomfort, bad breath, smelly or mushy poop, itchy skin, and a host of other common problems in dogs.

However, after years of studying the issue and even writing a best-selling book, Dr. Marty says he has finally found a way to fight back.

“Having looked after thousands of pets in my veterinary practice, I've identified the exact things you need to get back into your dog’s diet to help them live a happy, healthy life.”

“It's actually quite easy, and you can do it right from your kitchen. It only takes about 2 minutes a day, and it can have a major impact on your dog’s quality of life.”

Now, for the first time ever, Dr. Marty has created a short video explaining this exact method along with step-by-step instructions for how to do it at home.

The video is presented below, free and uninterrupted. So far, the response has been amazing, with viewers saying their dog's health improved in a matter of weeks or even days.

One dog parent, Michelle, said:

“My dog LOVES this! Niko has become his old self again, I might even go as far as saying he’s like a puppy again. His mood has improved and his energy level has skyrocketed. He is happier, more lively, and more loving.”*

Click Here To Watch The Video Now.

*Every animal is unique, so your dog’s results can and will vary.

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